Become a Foster Parent
Critter Shack always has a need for foster homes for the dogs and cats that we take in. By helping with their care, you can help save the life of one of our “critters.” Foster parents provide love and attention, along with food and shelter, for the animals that they foster. Critter Shack provides veterinary care and asks that you bring the animal to adoption events.
Foster Care Contract of Understanding
Critter Shack Humane Society of Menard, Inc.
1. Critter Shack will not place an animal known to have an unsound temperament; however, no one can predict how any animal will react in a given situation.
2. No dog will be placed in a new home which does not provide a safe, fenced yard, except for apartment dwellers. Apartment dwellers much agree to exercise the dog regularly. Dogs will be kept as indoor/outdoor dogs in close companionship with their foster families. Dogs should not be kept outside in extreme temperatures. Dogs will not be kept on a chain at any time.
3. The responsibility for the foster animal belongs jointly to Critter Shack and to the foster family. If for some reason the foster animal does not work out, Critter Shack must be contacted. The foster provider shall not transfer the animal to anyone without consent of Critter Shack.
4. Critter Shack makes no representations or warranties regarding the temperament or physical condition of any foster care animal.
5. Critter Shack shall not be responsible for any bodily injuries or property damage caused by any foster animal or by the actions of the actions of its foster care provider. The Critter Shack foster care provider hereby specifically assumes sole responsibility for, and agrees to hold Critter Shack harmless from any and all loss and expenses (including legal fees) by reason of liability imposed by law upon Critter Shack, or any of its officers and members because of bodily injuries or death to any person or persons including the foster care provider, or any damage to property arising out of or in consequence of the placement of the animal, howsoever such injuries, death, or damage to property may be caused, whether or not the same may have been caused, or may be alleged to have been caused, by negligence of the aforementioned parties or any of their agents or members, or any other person.
Please complete the Foster Application below and submit to Critter Shack via Email: